Egyptian human rights activist: Election is held under strange rules here

We cannot say that Egypt reached democracy and that it is ruled by the Military Council in one and the same sentence. There's a huge contradiction here. It seems to me that the Military Council was the real source of power to Murabak. We can be very focused on getting rid of Murabak, but the proper way is to break the system. And one of the main things the system had was the Military Council, as an organization". 

I would like to say and this is very important that we wanted to have election from the beginning. But before the election we wanted to have a Constitution. Before going to election. But the political will of the Military Council decided to create more complicated situations. It was the way to show all of us how much chaos democracy could cause in our life. Their purpose was to put us in this chaos somehow.

The path we choose is a very unique and different one from any other country - we go to the election to choose the people who will write the Constitution for us. This is illogic, like playing the game and then writing the rules. This is very-very unbelievable and unacceptable". 

The Egyptian human rights activists noted that the only way to get democracy in Belarus - uniting of all political forces, of the whole society.