Facebook buys Belarusian company MSQRD

Facebook купіў беларускую кампанію, якая распрацавала дадатак MSQRD

Facebook has bought the Belarusian company that made the application MSQRD. This software allows putting on masks online and making selfies and videos in them. Over 10 million people are using this application now.


The information has been confirmed by the project mentor and investor Yury Hurski. The founders of the company MSQRD Yauhen Nyauhen, Syarhei Hanchar and Yauhen Zatsyapyakin will work on for Facebook in London, mass media report.


The sum of the deal is unknown.


The application will be functioning as a separate service until Facebook integrates it. Moreover, the developers have promised to add more options. The programme will still be free.

By the way, MSQRD for Android has been made recently. However, it is a beta.

Taking a break from coding to welcome the MSQRD team to Facebook!

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on 9 Сакавік 2016