Google, Facebook, Microsoft want transparency on secret services requests

The companies Google, Facebook and Microsoft called on the U.S. government to provide greater transparency on national security requests about their clients.

There has been information recently that the U.S. Government got unfettered access to the servers of nine biggest American technologies companies, including Google and Apple.

Google says this is untrue, adds that inability to disclaim such information under the current rules "adds fuel to the fire of speculations."

In Microsoft's statement, quoted by ВВС, it is said that "Permitting greater transparency on the aggregate volume and scope of national security requests, including FISA orders, would help the community understand and debate these important issues."

Facebook representative claimed that "We would welcome the opportunity to provide a transparency report that allows us to share with those who use Facebook around the world a complete picture of the government requests we receive, and how we respond."

All U.S. internet companies refuse provision their servers' information to the American government.

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