Half of Brest affiliate of Movement “For Freedom” to support Mihalevich at elections

Brest affiliate of the Movement “For Freedom” will be divided into two parts at the elections. Let us remind you that the leader of the movement Alyaksandr Milinkevich has decided not to run for President at the presidential elections. That is why organization members have to make their own choice. The coordinator of the Movement “For Freedom” in Brest Province Zmitser Tratsyak has informed ERB about it:
"Where should we go now? Party members will collect signatures in support of Kastusyou. The others will do what they like. The majority will support Ales Mihalevich. Maybe half of Brest members will support Mihalevich. Baranavichy, Brest, Belaazyorsk… There are more than a hundred of them on the list… I think about 50 or 60 people will support Ales Mihalevich”.

Let us remind you that information that at least a third of Homel activists of the Movement “For Freedom” would support Ales Mihalevich appeared earlier.