Lawyer Toustsik: I have not refused to defend Iryna Khalip

A lawyer Uladzimir Toustsik, who has been deprived from licence by the Ministry of Justice for refusal to defend Iryna Khalip is going to claim this decision in court. He disagrees with it and is convinced there are no grounds for it. 

Toustsik: "There has never been a refusal to defend Iryna Khalip from my side, and could never be. She wrote a corresponding application herself, I wasn't  summoned in order this refusal would be approved in my presence, as it should be in accordance with the current legislation. They've invited a lawyer-on-duty, and informed me post factum. The refusal, as far as I know and I won't reveal the sources, was a forced one".

Toustsik has filed a complaint to the General prosecutor's office in this regard.