Makei describes prospects of relations with EU and USA (video)

The EaP Informal Ministerial Dialogue was held in Minsk on June 29. Belarusian Minister for Foreign Affairs Uladzimir Makei answered journalists’ questions at a press conference afterwards. They asked him how the future presidential election would affect our country’s relations with the Western partners.

Makei: “The government is interested in conducting the election. We should not stick to certain events in our relations with the European Union, United States and other partners. We are interested in the development and normalization of our relations with the EU, USA and other partners.”

The European Union expects Belarus to conduct a free and fair election and is hoping that the OSCE, European Parliament and other organizations will observe it, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn told journalists. Hahn is also hoping to see some progress in solving the problem of political prisoners in Belarus as it affects Brussels-Minsk relations.

The problem of political prisoners keeps being mentioned at the meeting of representatives of Belarus and the European Union, the European Commissioner told BelaPAN. However, the Belarusian authorities have not promised anything, he noted.
