On March 1, some entrepreneurs in Belarus will be fined up to 9 mln rubles

The transition period issued by decree number 222 for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus ends on March 1. They still have 10 days to sell the remaining goods imported to our country from the territory of other states of the Customs Union before 1 July 2014 without documents confirming their purchase.

As reported by the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, those entrepreneurs, who on March 1 will try to sell light industry goods without technical documents of the Customs Union will be fined 50 basic units which is 9 million rubles. Also, goods and the proceeds from its sale can be seized (or not).

As BelTA reports, currently, the same individual entrepreneurs can trade in goods simply paying the single tax.

On February 16, Minsk hosted a forum of entrepreneurs organized by the republican public association Perspektyva. It gathered not only businessmen from Minsk, but also their colleagues from Homiel, Hrodna, Mahiliou, Barysau, Brest, Pinsk. The resolution issued by the entrepreneurs demands that authorities introduce a moratorium on the Decree 222, introduce the possibility to sell the remaining goods indefinitely. Also, entrepreneurs are asked to stop testing and seize goods, arranging a meeting with President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and hold first national convention of entrepreneurs.

Photo: nn.by