Mikalai Autukovich asks youth to stop hunger strike

Mikalai Autukhovich, an entrepreneur from Vaukavysk who has been on a hunger strike for 22 days behind bars, today appealed to the youth to stop hunger striking in his solidarity. We remind that 26 people, mostly youngsters, have joined the action so far.  Autukhovich's lawyer Pavel Sapelka told the European Radio for Belarus as follows:

"Autukhovich appealed to the youth who are hunger striking. He thanked them for solidarity in this difficult moment. However, he asked the youngsters to stop the hunger strike because their health condition could deteriorate seriously. It is not good at young age. That's why he asked them to stop".

According to Sapelka, Autukhovich is not going to finish a hunger strike, if his demands are not met. He demands the release of himself and Yury Liavonau and Uladzimir Asipenka.