Minskers complain about gas poisoning at night

"My whole apartment, all personal stuff still smell with gas. I feel the smell of gas in my mouth. My head is aching. The smell was not just at home, it was even in the park in Talbukhin Boulevard," Minsker Andrei Davydchyk posted on his Facebook page.

Residents of the houses in the Talbukhin Boulevard area also made night phone calls, complaining about the smell of gas. The "Minsk Gas" service confirmed to Euroradio's correspondent that they performed repair works - replaced the damper valve in the pipeline of an average pressure.

The works have not been finished yet. The workers promise they will complete the task by 11 a.m. Still, they need to blow the pipeline so the smell may appear again.

"Minsk Gas": "A certain part of the pipeline was turned off. It is a rather big part, and the diameter of 400 is quite a lot. The gas that stayed in the pipeline had to be drained. The only mistake we've made is that we didn't warn the Ministry for Emergency Situations and the civil defense service before. Now we have warned them. Everyone knows, and people call us at 104, ask questions".

The people indeed made many phone calls at night. The vehicles arrived at the spot to check the information. Now, all the top officials of "Minsk Gas" stay at the repair site, so there's no need to worry, assures the switchboard operator.

Photo -  ISNA