Nyaklyayu wants to unite with Congress for Independence

The second session of the Congress for Belarus’ independence has been held in Minsk. About 30 people took part in it, BelaPAN reports.

Poet and politician Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu suggested that the congers should untie with the civil movement For Belarus Independence and Statehood created under his own aegis. The Belarusian democratic movement has always had one common purpose – the creation of ‘independent democratic Belarus’, he noted. Nyaklyayeu offered the Congress to become the analytical centre while the Movement for Belarus’ Independence and Statehood could become its executive structure.

However, Frantsishak Skaryna Belarusian Language Society chairperson Aleh Trusau was against it. “We do not aim at turning the Congers into another party or movement,  we do not want to nominate presidential candidates. Then it may become a basis for different parties and movements,” Trusau claimed.

However, it is only his personal opinion, Trusau noted. 17 Council members of the Congress for Belarus’ Independence will make their decision as regards Nyaklyayeu’s suggestion. They will gather within the next few weeks.