Prison in Belarus

The 37-year-old man had no health problems.

Law enforcement officials told Euroradio why this crime is kept on the list of those not covered by the amnesty.

The law is timed to mark 70 years since victory in the Great Patriotic War. Over 2 thousands will be released and 8.6 thousands amnestied.

The amnesty timed to mark 70 years since the victory over the Nazi Germany will cover 8600 people.

The amnesty bill may be sent to the House of Representatives at the end of April.

Amnesty is expected in Belarus to mark 70 years since victory in World War II.

Every fifth of them is in a detention centre.

Amnesty applications were rejected to almost 3.5 thousand prisoners.

Aleh Slizheuski from Ministry of Justice answers Respubilika readers’ questions about Belarusians imprisoned in Crimea.