Radiohead's song cover by Belarusian musicians a hymn to self-isolation
Ivan Artsimovich, Uladzimir Liankevich, Andrei Aliakseyenka, Maksim Subach and Yauhen Tsiarentsiau / a screen shot from the video
The musicians from Belarusian bands Teleport, TonqiXod, luty sakavik, Subtonans, Eryk i Ja, and Vuraj have released a cover for Radiohead's song "No Surprises" in the Belarusian language, which sounds like a hymn to self-isolation and quarantine.
"In a time of anxiety, people want to feel safe. Familiar and easily identifiable songs and melodies can be a good tool for that. I am getting increasingly involved as a bass guitar player in various creative projects, so it is useful to learn my part in a world hit in a time of total procrastination and escape," says Uladzimir Liankevich who participates in collaborations with TonqiXod, luty sakavik, Eryk i Ja and who translated Tom York's lyrics.
But it was Vuraj's guitarist Ivan Artsimovich who came up with an idea to create online covers from isolation under #RadioQuarantine.
"It all started when I saw Backstreet Boys singing in this format. Having nothing else to do, I recorded a short video cover playing guitar. Suddenly, people liked it and kept asking to record more. So I started to make more short covers and then invited my friends-musicians to join. Today, we released our 10th video. If it helps someone feel better and forget about problems for a moment, it is good I think. In addition, I am practicing to play and record," says Ivan Artsimovich.
Before "No surprises", the musicians also made covers for Sting's hit "Shape Of My Heart" translated into Belarusian by Mikita Naidzionau.
"There is nothing else to do anyway," adds Teleport front-man Yauhen Tsiarentsieu. "Someone wrote in comments to Ivan: why not without vocals? So Ivan called me and proposed to sing. I am now at home playing around with video production and other things. Impressions? It always feels good when people listen to your performance."
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