Parliamentary election forecast: 110 names
Euroradio has made a list of possible MPs. We will compare it to the results that will be presented by the Central Election Commission in a month.
The authorities will not allow a single opposition representative to be elected, thinks political scientist Yauhen Preiherman.
“If there were the dilemma whether to release political prisoners or give access to the Parliament to the opposition, I think the authorities would rather release political prisoners. Traditionally, the Parliament is considered to be a dangerous place".
Euroradio has found a candidate who is going to run for MP for the sixth time this year – Alyaksei Yanukevich, the leader of the BPF Party. He has taken part in parliamentary elections thrice and has also taken part in local elections three times.
Yanukevich thinks that such respected people as chief physicians and teachers may also be elected together with representatives of the authorities. You should not expect any political activity from them.
The Central Election Commission has already registered all the potential MPs. Euroradio has analyzed the list and made a forecast. For example, we think that Volha Syarheyeuna Palityka and a few members of the omnipresent KGB will be elected this year (Victar Rusak, head of the Main Department of Economic Security of KGB of the Republic of Belarus, has no opponents in Vileika). We will compare the list to the election results in a month.