Police to step up security at Dazhynki harvesting festival in Lida

2 thousand policemen will keep the order at “Dazhynki” that will take place from September 24 till September 26. 12 check-points will also be installed in Lida. It will be possible to reach the place of celebration only through them. “Dazhynki” will be organized in six places. Policemen from Hrodna Province will arrive there to keep the order, said a Lida policeman Syarhei Sauchyk to ERB.

Sauchyk: “We are mobilizing all forces. Additional money has been allocated for it. Forces from the neighbouring districts are getting mobilized. Check-points with radio-metal locators are organized. Drunk people and people with alcohol or beer will not be allowed to enter the territory of “Dazhynki”. About 2 thousand policemen will be involved in keeping the order”.

Company transport will have special passes, continues the policeman.
Sauchyk: “Passes will be made for the transport that will be used in the trade area. We will have 7 kilometres of shopping streets. People from all over the country will gather here”.

If you arrive in Lida by car, you will have to leave it in the outskirts.

Sauchyk: “You will not be able to arrive at the festival area by car.  We have warned drivers and published information about the streets that will be blocked and the itinerary of the public transport in newspapers. If you leave you car in the outskirts and pass a check-point, you will be able to take part in the festival”.
Lida schoolchildren will have days-off from September 24 till September 26 and students of the technical college situated in the centre of the city will be free starting from this Wednesday. The educational institution has informed ERB about it.

College: “Children will not study on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday because there will be “Dazhynki”.

An Ice Palace with a capacity of one thousand seats will opened in Lida before the festival alongside with a number of sport buildings. 5 thousand people and 66 construction organizations took part in the reconstruction of the city. On the whole, Lida has spent 87.5 million dollars to get ready for “Dazhynki-2010”. Let us remind you that the state leader will traditionally attend “Dazhynki”.