Presidential hopeful Vital Rymasheuski detained by police: exclusive on-lin

Rymasheuski is in the office. Police agents have backed off. 
23:50 The candidates have reached the office building. The traffic police car has stopped near the entrance. The vehicle with the man in a leather jacket who commanded the detention of Rymasheuski, has pulled up nearby. 
23:36 Rymasheuski's car has been released from a cordone, but traffic police officers are following the candidate's vehicle. Rymasheuski is heading to his office.
Vital Rymasheuski: "This all resembles clownery just like this election. If European politicians have enough cynicism to recognize this election or talk about some alleged progress, it will left with no comment". 
The candidate's car has entered the backyard where his office is located. The traffic police are following. 
A police officer reported to another that they remained with 10 minutes left. Rymasheuski's car is being blocked by 4 vehicles. His car is approached by a traffic police officer who asked to present ID. The policeman said the car number plates are fake. The ID has been returned. The officer is ordering Rymasheuski to get out, why the latter is refusing. A leather-jacket man, possibly the traffic police cheif, has come the officer and told him: "Let him go". The vehicles, blocking Rymasheuski's car, are taking off. 

23:15 The candidate is telling via a loudspeaker what took place, thus drawing attention of bypassers and drivers. People are stopping by. Drivers are honking. The candidate's trustees are now pulling out their fishing sticks to unfold their flags. They have come out to Aerdoromnaya Street, when other cars stopped at red lights. A crowd is slowly gathering at the site of detention.

23:07 Rymasheuski is not being allowed to break through the traffic police's blockade, with two other vehicles adding to the build-up. The police officers are declining questions from both the hopeful and the journalists. The candidate is being escorted to public garages, while other car owners are blocked.

Vital Rymasheuski's friends have found out the name of one of traffic police officers. His name is Maikou. He was asked why the road was blocked.  


23:00 Vital Rymasheuski's car is overtaking a traffic police vehicle which is trying to block the road.

22:54 Kastrychnicki Dictrict Traffic Police Department chief, responsible for the detention of Rymasheuski, is declining questions from Euroradio's reporter. Vital Rymasheuski is trying to dodge the block. The traffice police are not interfering yet.

 Presidential candidate Vitalymasheuski and his trustees have been blocked in the car. The news, reported by several media, that they were taken to the Kastrychnicki district police station has not turned out to be true. But, the police are not explaining the candidate why he is being held. 
Vital Rymasheuski: "This is a demonstration of law abuses, which are taking place. I have called the police. We are faced with some people, armed with automatic rifles, who are not introducing themselves. Our life may be under threat. There has been no reaction. My only hope is on the independent press. Your correspondents have already arrived. Thank you!"
22:02 The candidate has confirmed his detention live on air. 
Vital Rymasheuski: "I am currently with two of my trustees: Dzianis Sadouski and Zmicier Shurkhai. We are being blocked inside the car. There are people with automatic rifles and in plain clothes. First, one traffic police officer introduced himself, saying that our car was allegedly parked in the wrong place. Later, he went on saying that our vehicle had been stolen, yet the owner of this car - Dzianis Sadouski -- is next to me inside the vehicle. We have been blocked by several traffic police vehicles. There are eight of them. A police bus has arrived. There are people with automatic rifles around us. No one is presenting his ID. I called 102 (police emergency), but there has been no reaction"
No explanations of detention were given. No reaction to the calls to the police. The candidate and his trustees are refusing to get off the car.
Vital Rymasheuski: "Nobody knows what they can do". 
Inside the car, there are posters and other campaign materials, which the candidate and his trustees planned to hang around.