Trial against journalist Staraverau to be resumed in Vitsebsk

Uladzislau Staraverau took pictures of the mournful Chernobyl manifestation on April 26, got detained and was accused of petty hooliganism. An administrative case was started against the journalist - the first trial took place on April 27. The trial will be resumed today.

At the previous trial, the youngster claimed that he needed a lawyer. It was impossible to provide him legal defence at the spot, as the journalist was transported to the police department first, and then to the pre-trial detention center. They did not release him even when he demanded medical assistance, as the policemen had beat him during the arrest, and this stress caused heart problems. 

In case the court considers him guilty in hooliganism, the journalist may face a fine or an administrative detention for the term up to 15 days, Radio Liberty informs.