Stockholm Court of Appeals to consider Klaskouskaya's case on October 14-16

She has informed in a comment to BelaPAN news agency that her daughter called from the Stockholm prison. Volha Klaskouskaya said that the Court of appeals had accepted her case for consideration. The mother hopes the Court will decide in favor of Volha.

Lyudmila Klaskouskaya has also informed that representatives of the Belarusian Embassy in Latvia are in contact with her and Volha all the time. According to her, it is still unknown whether the divorce between Volha and her husband Gökay Bezgin came into force. The divorce procedure should have happened back in mid august, but Volha received no documents so far.

The former Belarusian journalist was convicted in Sweden to 8 years in prison for an attempted homicide of her husband. She is also supposed to pay 110 thousand Swedish kronas as a compensation to her ex-husband.

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