Unemployed Kazulin fined for Br700 thousand

A judge of Lenin District Court of Minsk Mihail Homa has pronounced the sentence. As Alyaksandr Kazulin said in his comment to ERB, the judge did not take into account the fact that the politician was unemployed. Kazulin: "The judge did not even take into account the fact that the witnesses (policemen. – ERB’s note) gave absolutely controversial evidence. The things the two policemen said did not coincide at all!"

Now Kazulin is going to appeal the court’s decision.

As ERB informed, the politician was detained on his way home after the trial of the Vaukavysk entrepreneurs and accused of using bad language in public.

A youth activist Mikola Dzemidzenka detained together with Kazulin has been fined for 525 thousand rubles.