Anarchist Zmitser Paliyenka attempts to cut wrists demanding open trial

Raman Pratasevich / Euroradio
Anarchist Zmitser Paliyenka attempted to cut his wrists in court when he learnt that the hearing would be conducted behind closed doors. Paliyenka is standing trial in Minsk City Court. Paliyenka was led out of the court room immediately but the activists who had come to support him refused to leave, Euroradio reported. Nevertheless, the hearing is being held in another court room now. Activists are trying to enter the room and shouting in support of Palienka.
"Dzmitry Paliynka’s trial is the continuation of the well-documented story of his persecution by the authorities for his civil activities. The Belarusian authorities should lift all the charges connected with the peaceful usage of his right for the freedom of speech and make his trial open to the public and journalists,” Amnesty International's Senior Campaigner Aisha Jung announced.
Paliyenka was imprisoned for two years for ‘violence directed at a representative of the authorities’ earlier. He was released a year ago. However, the man was arrested again on suspicion of ‘heinous hooliganism’ on March 20, 2019. He was said to have attacked a man with pepper spray for a remark he had made. It was self-defense, Paliyenka says.
The young man has also been charged with three other violations: “insulting a representative of the authorities”, “arousing racial, religious or other social hatred” and “profanation of buildings and damage to property”. These charges are connected with the graffiti allegedly made by Palyenka. The authorities are persecuting Paliyenka for his activities, Amnesty International believes.
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