12:23 Opposition wants to cooperate with government on Chernobyl

Anatol Liabedzka, the leader of the United Civil Party, has proposed Belarus Prime Minister Siargej Sidorski to establish a joint working group. The proposal has been made on behalf of the National Committee of the United Pro-Democracy Forces. Liabedzka is proposing to analyze the situation and develop recommendations for more active efforts to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. In his view, "this work is not efficient enough at many directions".

"The government is not taking using of the existing opportunities. In particular, in the framework of the TACIS program, the government failed to utilise 1 million euros, provided to assist the Chernobyl-affected regions", Liabedzka said. The National Committee is offering the government to use the resources of the civil society.

"The potential of the civil society is huge. Over the past several years, over 400,000 children underwent treatment and rehabilitation abroad. It cost nothing to the Belarusian government. The United democratic forces are ready to use new opportunities in the framework of the latest proposals from the European Union,"Liabedzka added.

The letter was filed with the government on March 27. Under the Belarus laws, official respond is to be sent within 30 days, reports the press office of the United Civil Party.