Why Belarusians ignored recent election to Coordinating Council

Elections to the CC 

Elections to the CC  / pixabay

A little more than 6.7 thousand people took part in the elections to the Coordinating Council. Some candidates have already loudly offended the media: they explain the low turnout by the lack of attention paid to the event by journalists.

The offence of the candidates is understandable: they sacrificed a lot for the Belarusians to have an opportunity to see what public politics can be. The Investigative Committee has opened criminal cases against all the participants of the campaign and is threatening to confiscate their Belarusian property. But to blame everything on the media is not a good position, especially for public politicians.

Euroradio discussed the results of the CC elections with media experts Iryna Sidorskaya and Pauliuk Bykouski and political analyst Artsiom Shraibman. Could the participants in the elections have chosen a different strategy so that last night did not end in frustration? And what do the final results tell us about the democratic movement?


Iryna Sidorskaya: People don't understand not only what the CC is, but also what the parliament is and why it is necessary

I see several reasons for the low turnout, and the first one is the risk. Not only those who live in Belarus, but also those who have moved abroad are worried about their safety: their own safety, the safety of their relatives, their property. And that is why they refuse to participate. People living in Belarus are even more worried.

The second reason is that many people do not understand not only what the Coordinating Council is, but also what a parliament is in general. And here the problem is not with the Council, but with the fact that the Belarusian parliament has not been fulfilling its functions for many years. That is, people don't really understand what the separation of powers is in general".

They say there is Tsikhanouskaya, there is the United Transitional Cabinet - and why do we need something else? I think that the lack of interest in these elections comes from a lack of understanding of democracy, from a lack of understanding of what the parliament can do in general.

It seems that this knowledge is fundamental, but in our country this "fundamental" has not worked for many years. In Belarus, the parliament exists to approve Lukashenka's laws. Perhaps people think that the CC is necessary to support Tsikhanouskaya's decisions? But in fact, the platform where the culture of discussion is formed does not appear by itself. People have to practice to learn it.

The candidates themselves should have been more active. Many of them did not create newsworthy events on the eve of the election. The same rules that work in commercial marketing and advertising also work in political marketing.

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