Aleh Byabenin’s colleague: the decedent was standing on the floor

A colleague of the deceased journalist Aleh Babenin who visited the tragedy site together with the police has told “Nasha Niva” what he saw in the country house. According to him, there was no food at all in the house and at the same time, two empty bottles of “Białowieża Balsam” were found there.  The decedent would have never drunk it, claims his friend. Furthermore, Babenin reached his country house by car and had to drive to the cinema later. He was being waited for in a café and he sent an SMS that he was being late”.

There were no notes on the spot. However, Babenin’s colleague who wanted to remain anonymous said that the decedent was standing on the floor rather than hanging in the air as it usually happens. He also had a scratch on his arm.

Other Belarusian journalists who worked with Babenin doubt it was really a suicide.

The civil funeral of the deceased journalist will take place in Minsk on September 6 at 2 p.m. It will be organized in the ritual services hall in Alsheuski Street, 12, reports Charter’97.