Anonymous letter about opposition member preparing terrorist acts at gas pipes sent to police

Security agencies have got interested in a beekeeper from the village of Lyubonova, Drahichyn District – a member of the BNF Uladzimir Kazeka. The reason for it is a strange anonymous letter. Mr. Kazeka has informed ERB about it: Kazeka: "They talked to Lyudmila Razhbitskaya in Drahichyn KGB affiliate. I do not know the results of the conversation. I had been summoned to Brest a bit earlier. They looked for me for two days. They said they had received an anonymous letter informing that I was preparing explosions at the country’s oil and gas pipes and a physical elimination of the administration of the district and of security agencies. They asked me to sign everything they thought out there. But I refused”.

Uladzіmіr Kazeka asked them to show him the letter, but they refused. Let us note that the BNF member does not participate in the local elections. He thinks that the current attention of security agencies is connected with changes in the administration of the regional KGB.

Mr. Kazeka’s garage and car were burnt down and his house was damaged twice in the past. However, the criminals haven’t been found so far.