Antiterrorist operation in Kharkiv after blast

An explosion occurred near Kharkiv Moskovski District Court on the evening of January 19. 14 people were injured. Four of them are in a serious condition, the Ukrainian Security Service reports.

A special operation was started in the city, BBC reports. The incident is considered to be a terrorist act. A hand grenade exploded near the court building, some sources report.

A hearing of the case of pro-Ukraine activist and ATO participant Mikhail Sokolov had ended right before the explosion. He was accused of illegal possession of weapons. Activists from the Right Sector who supported Sokolov attended the hearing.

Activists who had organized a picket near the building were wounded. No members of the court administration were injured.

Several explosions occurred in Khrakiv in the last few months – at the railway station, at a few military objects and in a pub.

Photo: AFP