Are Belarusian entrants afraid of the newly-introduced interviews?

Registration for obligatory professional and psychological interviews started in Belarusian higher educational institutions on March 5. However, there is no real public excitement about the most popular and prestigious professions at the moment. Belarusian State Economic University has informed ERB that only about 30 people have already sent appeals for the interview there:

“27 people have come to us today and registered. The number does not include letters that will come by mail. The group of professions that need an interview in our university includes state administration, state administration and law, state administration and economy”.

The situation is even worse in Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University where you can study journalism… Only 7 entrants have expressed a desire to take part in the struggle for becoming students…

“Only 7 people have applied for it so far. 8 more people studying the access course are going to come one of these days”.

However, the rate is not like that everywhere. About 500 people have already registered in BSU, a university teaching the majority of the so-called elite professions.

“There were about 500 yesterday. The number is growing. I think there will be about 150 people registering every day, or even more. People are registering for four groups of professions: international relations and international law – the first group, jurisprudence and economic law – the second one, journalism and international journalism – the third one. The forth group is tariff legislation.

Every second student applies for jurisprudence. Journalism and international journalism are lagging behind by two or two and a half times”.

By the way, the number of students who have registered for a rather exotic profession of “tariff legislation” exceeds the number of entrants in both economic and pedagogical universities. A bit more than 40 people want to become customs officials.

However, let me note that entrants still have time. They can register for interviews until the end of March.