BCD to conduct third constituent assembly to select presidential contender again

A meeting of the Belarusian Christian democracy will take place in the House of Culture of Minsk tractor Plant on September 12. Minsk City Executive Committee has allowed it. The main topic on the agenda will be the election campaign and selection of a presidential contender. Let us remind you that the party has already announced his name. The co-leader of the BCD steering committee Paval Sevyarynets has informed ERB about it.

Sevyarynets: “It will be a pre-election meeting. Our main decision is to plan a strategy, make amendments to the programme and chose a candidate. We have only one alternative at the moment: Vital Rymasheuski will become our candidate”.

The issue of the registration of the BCD will also be discussed at the meeting. Paval Sevyarynets has noted that the party will be ready to send documents needed for the registration to the Ministry of Justice several days after the congress. Christian democrats hope to get a positive reply because the issue of EU sanctions imposed on Belarus will be solved on October 31.