Belarus footballer speaks out against fan detentions

The footballer says he read about the detentions and trials of Ukrainian fans in the morning in the internet.

“I had no chance to discuss this issue with the lads. It does not feel good that people came to watch the game and will now have to spend days in jail. Have they violated some laws? Or perhaps our law-enforcement agencies have overreacted. It is difficult for me to get a clear understanding of this stiaution," says Siarhei Balanovich. "I heard the crowd chanting but I could not figure out what exactly they were chanting. You know, one simply pays no attention to such small details when you remain focused on the game for 90 minutes. But it felt good to play in such environment. We hope there will be even more fans during the next games.”

Several dozens fans were detained after the Euro 2016 qualifer between Belarus and Ukraine at Barysau Arena on October 9. 12 Ukraine nationals were sentenced to days in jails. Some were ordered to pay fines on petty hooliganizm charges.