Berazhkou’s lawyer: Two famous influential people stood up for him

Адвакат Беражкова: За яго заступаліся двое вядомых і ўплывовых людзей

misappropriation by means of power abuse. Berazhkou got over Br1 billion from a fake card, investigators say.


No investigation has been conducted for a month, Berazhkou’s wife Svyatlana told Komsomolskaya Pravda. Some checkup of the hockey club was appointed not long ago. The Ministry of Finance is dealing with it.


The defense tried to change Berazhkou’s measure of detention twice but was refused, the specialist’s lawyer Volha Stechman said. “Two influential people stood up for Berazhkou and were ready to go bail for him. They could guarantee that Berazhkou would not commit any crime at large and would not run away or try to influence witnesses. If he had, they would have been fined for huge sums. However, the bail was denied in September,” the lawyer reported.

Berazhkou met his lawyer on Thursday morning. He pled not guilty of stealing the money.

Photo: Belarusian Partisan