Opposition party's young activists visit Belarus parliament - photo
Photo: twitter.com/moladz_bnf
MP and head of Belarusian Language Society Alena Anisim organized a study tour for several members of the BPF Youth. The young politicians took photos in the parliamentary chamber. It was their first time in the parliament and the excursion was just for a start, they wrote on Twitter.
Упершыню за 22 гады БНФ( у вобразе "Моладзі БНФ") увайшла ў Палату прадстаўнікоў нацыянальнага сходу Рэспублікі Беларусь! Для пачатку з
— Моладзь БНФ (@moladz_bnf) 9 января 2018 г.
экскурсіяй па запрашэнню дэпутата парламентна Алены Анісім. pic.twitter.com/T4JjS0gsgX