Brazilian Andrea, who sings in Belarusian, thanks Belarusians (video)

"Hello, Belarus! Here I am again, - Andrea says in the beginning of her video-appeal, - I will try to record a thank-you letter. Just to say "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" from the bottom of my heart for all the warm words which I read in the Internet, for your support. I need to apologize for "killing" your language. Sometimes I am afraid of mispronouncing some words as there are a lot of sounds which we do not have in our language - Brazilian Portuguese. But I am trying hard. Now I will try to sing another song for you, and later I will write answers to some of your questions, and some other things that I would like to tell you myself ( a lot of them). But now - just a song".

Let us remind you, Andrea Giovana is a citizen of Brazil, who has been into Belarusian music for many years. She does not know Belarusian language but she knows the songs of our singers by heart and sings them almost without accent. Euroradio first met the Brazilian in Portugal during the Belarusian culture days  "Discover Europe-Discover Belarus". Andrea studies in Lisbon. When she found out about the concert of the Belarusian band "Akana", she gave up all her businesses and came over for 100 kilometers to hear live Belarusian music at last.

About 11 thousand people watched the video where Andrea sings "Kupalinachka" of the band "Harley", NRM's "Minsk and Mensk" and "Zaenka" together with Rusia for the first three days! The girl sings Tariel Majsuradze's song "Misantropic" in the new video.