Day of Freedom may turn into a flash-mob

 Such format means that participants should take over responsibility for an action instead of organizers, which is unacceptable, according to the politician. 

The activists of the Belarusian democratic movement started working on organization of the celebration of the Day of Freedom. "The action on March 25 should be a mass one, and it will be a mass one!", — Vital Rymasheuski, the Co-Chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, is convinced.

"I think that numerous civil organizations, not just political ones, will join this action. We agreed that the meeting point would be not the Academy of Sciences, but some other place", — he added.

According to Rymasheuski, the format of the action of March 25 is still undecided. There is a possibility, that the action will be conducted in the form of a flash-mob, without obtaining the authorities' permit. However, Rymasheuski is convinced that the application for conducting the action still needs to be filed:

Vital Rymasheuski: "I think that the application should be filed, as otherwise organizers may deny responsibility for this action and put it on the people who will just come there. I think this is not absolutely correct".

Representatives of the BPF party (Aliaksej Yanukevich), the movement "For Freedom!", the steering committee for creating the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy", the "European Belarus" and the "Young Front" took part in the preliminary discussion on February 8.

Representatives of the UCP party and other democratic organizations are expected to join the discussion of the detailed plan of the action on February 9.

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