Deputies more eager to discuss animal rights than human rights

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The draft of the law “On animal treatment” will be discussed in the second reading. However, Euroradio has noticed that amendments to the law “On mass actions” were accepted in two readings at a time (!). MP Anatol Hlaz does not want to recall how it happened.

Anatol Hlaz: “The law was adopted no matter how it happened. There is no need to recall one’s youth here… ”.

According to the deputy, the law did not change anything conceptually. There were no disputes. That is why it was adopted so quickly.

Anatol Hlaz: "There were no additional changes or amendments. That is why it was adopted in two readings. There was no sense putting it off as we had a number of other drafts to discuss… The law did not change anything conceptually – it just defined some moments concretely – the distance, and the Internet was mentioned too…”.

Let us remind you that the new amendments to the law forbid any actions unless they are allowed by the authorities. Nobody is allowed to inform about the time and venue anywhere (including the Internet) until they get permission to organize the action.

The draft of the law “On animal treatment” was adopted in the first reading. It requires revision! There are a lot of ambiguous issues in it, says Anatol Hlaz.

"People who care about animals collected the information and they will make suggestions. An average person does not care about the law. That is why there will be a lot of disputes. There are a lot of ambiguous issues”.

Deputy Larysa Vershalovich, the author of the draft “On animal treatment” mentioned the most heated arguments: the number of pets allowed per flat and sterilization of stray animals.

The head of the organization “Zoo World”, Margarita Pushkevich, is a member of the work group and she complains that the MPs won’t listen to her.

Margarita Pushkevich: “They refuse to accept our suggestions. We suggested introducing obligatory sterilization at building sites, enterprises and parking lots. If 80% of our animals are sterilized, there will be no homeless animals. But they won’t even listen to us! They say that it is cruel. But isn’t killing 80 thousand animals cruel?!”

Margarita Pushkevich is going to apply… for a picket. But she will have to obey the law “On mass actions”.


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