Documents for registration of Lukashenka's nomination group filed by Radzkou

The nomination group of the current leader of the country includes 8403 people, headed by the Minister of Education. The documents for registration of Aliaksandr Lukashenka's nomination group have been filed to the central Elections Commission. However, he has not come to the CEC. 

The documents for registration of the nomination group have been filed by the Head of the group - the Minister of Education Aliaksandr Radzkou. This was informed to the European Radio for Belarus by the Chairperson of the Central Elections Commission Lidzia Yarmoshyna.

"There can be different circumstances so our practice established the way we do not demand personal presence of the applicant. For example, the documents of the young Franak Viachorka were filed upon the power of attorney, as he served in the army at that moment, Skrabets filed documents for registration through the Chief of the prison in 2006. Thus, we provide such an opportunity: if a person who wants to run in the elections cannot or doesn't want to file the documents personally due to some reasons (people fall ill, go somewhere etc.), he has a right to file the documents upon the power of attorney".