Entrepreneurs’ forum held in Minsk

1 лютага ў Мінску пройдзе чарговы форум індывідуальных прадпрымальнікаў

Another entrepreneurs’ forum will be organized in Minsk on February 1. Delegates from all over Belarus will gather in the hotel Beijing at 12 p.m. The main topic of the forum is ‘Entrepreneurs and the state: roles, importance and suggestions of smalls-scale business’, the press service of the civil association Perspectiva reports. The President, government, EU, USA and Russian diplomats have been invited.


The forum had to be held on January 25 but was disrupted: entrepreneurs were not allowed to rent the building where 6 thousand or more people could meet. “They refused us for far-fetched reasons. It was done on purpose so that we would not be able to gather together,” Perspectiva chairman Anatol Shumchanka said.

As of January 1, Belarusian entrepreneurs must have documents and certificates for all light industry goods imported from the Customs Union. Russian suppliers usually refuse to give such certificates to Belarusian businessmen or give them fake documents. As a result, entrepreneurs get fined and their goods get confiscated. Many private entrepreneurs have stopped working due to it. Spontaneous actions were held in a number of Belarusian cities. Vitsebsk entrepreneurs are even planning to organize ‘a march to Minsk”.