EP President worried about Aleh Babenin’s death

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek has expressed anxiety in connection with the death of the founder of the website charter97.org Aleh Byabenіn. Mr. Buzek has urged the Belarusian authorities to conduct an unbiased investigation of the circumstances of the journalist’s death. Let us remind you that the body of the founder and head of the website of Charter’97 Aleh Byebenin was found in his country house not far from Minsk on September 3. The police hastened to inform that it was a suicide. However, the journalist’s colleagues think that Byabenin’s death arouses a lot of questions. Forensic medical experts cannot even name the exact date of his death. The decedent did not leave any note, he had a lot of plans, a wife and two sons.