EU source: Sanctions imposed on Lukashenka will be preserved

The European Union is planning to preserve its interdiction to allow Alyaksandr Lukashenka to enter its territory, - has informed the Reuters agency referring to Brussels diplomats. The EU has invited the Belarusian Foreign Minister Syarhei Martynau to a meeting of the EU Council of Ministers that will take place in Luxemburg on October 13. Brussels is making cautious steps towards indulgence in the relations with the official Minsk.  A certain thaw started in August when Belarus released the last three political prisoners and restrained from supporting Russia in the recognition of independence of separatist Georgian regions – South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

The French administration of the EU suggests preserving the current sanctions for Belarusian officials personally responsible for repressions and falsification of elections. “The problem is Lukashenka only. There are states not willing to allow him to enter the territory of the European Union”, - noted an anonymous Brussels diplomat. Holland, Sweden and Portugal oppose to lifting the sanctions from A.Lukashenka. The official Minsk hopes that the EU will lift all the sanctions from Belarusian officials on October 13”.
