Euroradio's Zmicier Lukashuk gets award from Belarus Association of Journalists

Zmicer Lukashuk / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Zmicer Lukashuk / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio

On September 12, the Belarusian Association of Journalists announced the results of the annual "Volnaje Slova" (Free Word) contest.

Euroradio correspondent Zmicer Lukashuk received an honorary diploma for the series of video interviews  Idea X. The jury emphasized that this was an outstanding journalistic work in search and promotion of the Belarusian national cause.

Another Euroradio journalist received an award. Svyatlana Kurs was awarded the first prize for the article "Can't be forgotten: We are from fire village" in Our History magazine in the "Artistic and journalistic genres" niomination.