Football: Belarus soldiers deployed as fans at Europe League match in Barysau

Фотафакт: беларускія вайскоўцы на "Барысаў-Арэне"


In the evening of November 26, the Belarusian military appeared on the "Barysau-Arena". They filled the four sectors of the half empty stadium, hosting the match of the group round of the Europe League football between Minsk "Dynama" and the Czech "Victoria".

Traditionally, the games of the Dynama Minsk, played at the "Barysau-Arena", are only visited by a few thousand people. The same number of fans came today, despite the slight frost. Thanks to the military, the stadium looks partially filled.


Фотафакт: беларускія вайскоўцы на "Барысаў-Арэне"