Hobby group for adult programmers to appear in Minsk?

Listen to the full interview with Yauhen here 120222 YaugenS.mp3

Euroradio: Do you believe that people who like computers may leave their workplaces to visit some “space”?

Yauhen: I do. “Hackerspace” is not only meant for programmers, it is useful for radiofans, designers and people who like woodwork and metalwork. It is for those who lack space in their flats. I used to go to a hobby group for radiofans when I was a child. Schoolchildren were busy with their own work, they created something and shared their experience. I have had a feeling that I lack something since then. We have hobby groups for children but we do not have any for adults.

Euroradio: Will people bring their notebooks there and start communicating with somebody on social networks silently?

Yauhen: (Laughs.) They won’t. Users of freeware will gather on Saturday. If you come, you will see them talking and disputing. They are not the kind of people who will stare at their notebooks as it is not about notebooks – they will share experience.

Euroradio: Have you considered where the new “Hackerspace” will be situated?

Yauhen: It is only an idea at the moment. I suggested the idea to users of freeware last week. We have decided what the room should be like: it should be a workshop not far from the centre of the city.

Euroradio: How often will people gather there?

Yauhen: Judging by similar projects launched abroad, “the space” functions as a club and every member can come at any moment. Some days may be dedicated to certain topics. Events may be organized from time to time. It will be a “technical” place.

Photo by: youcoop.org