Kalyakіn: Composition of election committees is unfair

The creation of election committees of all levels has finished. District election committees were the last to have been created on November 3.
The campaign “For Fair Elections” considers the process of creation of election committees to be unfair. The supra-national coordinator of the campaign Syarhei Kalyakin has commented on it in an interview with ERB:

Kalyakіn: "Naturally, the creation of all committees has finished. Not only the district ones. All of them have been created. And the creation was not fair”.

183 representatives of opposition political parties have been included in district election committees. However, 1073 people were proposed for it.

Thus, 54 representatives of the United Civil Party (out of 505 proposed), 78 – of the Belarusian party of the left “Fair World” (283), 36 – of the BPF Party (201), 10 – of the Belarusian Social-Democratic Party (Assembly) (48),  5 – of the Belarusian Social-Democratic Assembly (29) and not a single representative of the Conservative-Christian Party – BPF (7) have been included in district election committees.

Let us remind you that district election committees will be responsible for the calculation of ballot-papers.