Kazulin not to sue Lukashenka, but political prisoner’s daughters are still hesitating

Alyaksandr Kazulіn will not sue Lukashenka. However, his daughters do not exclude such a  possibility. Volha Kazulina informed about it in an interview with ERB. A three-days meeting of a political prisoner Alyaksandr Kazulin with his daughters is over. According to V.Kazulina, her father has a great morale, he is active and is ready to be released. Kazulin spends a lot of time in the open air and complains that he lacks activity.

The main topic of the discussion was Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s speech made for the Parliament when he mentioned Kazulin several times.

Volha Kazulіna: "He said he was really happy and started applauding when he heard that statement. It is because Lukashenka gave himself away again in a burst of seething openness. Dad stressed again that a president could not descend to vulgarity”.

Nevertheless, the political prisoner will not sue Lukashenka for having insulted him. However, Volha Kazulina claims that she will send a complaint about the insult of her father to the court if the Belarusian legislation allows it.