Lahvinets’ initiative group accused of bribery of voters

Ініцыятыўную групу Лагвінца лічаць вінаватай у подкупе выбаршчыкаў

Minsk city election committee has not satisfied potential candidate Ales Lahvinets’ complaint about the warning pronounced by Suharava constituency #101 election committee.

The warning was pronounced on July 29. The initiative group violated the Election Code by ‘giving out printed materials during the signature collection campaign and by rewarding voters for their signatures’, the election committee announced.


Neither he, nor his initiative group members rewarded voters for their signatures, Lahvinets explained in his complaint. Furthermore, the election committee has not indicated who rewarded voters,  when it happened and how many people were rewarded. He could not attend all the pickets and his business cards were given to people so that they could phone him at any moment and contact him both as a contender and as the deputy head of a human rights association.

He is unlikely to be registered now, Lahvinets told BelaPAN.


 His initiative group was pronounced another warning for Lyavon Volski’s 90-minute concert at a signature collection picket in Minsk miscrodistrict Suharava on July 27. Two warnings are enough to refuse registration to a contender.