Lazavik: Car owners' petition has no legal effect

CEC spokesman Mikalai Lazavik has shared his opinion with Yezhednevnik.

Signatures for the petition that will be sent to Minister of Finance Andrei Harkavets are being gathered at the online petition platform But this is all in vain, Lazavik said. Such Internet signature collections are considered to be polls and nothing more. Nevertheless, the government pays attention to such actions, Mikalai Lazavik noted.

To have some legal effect, the petition needs to follow the existing procedure. Citizens should create an initiative group and denote the issues they want the Parliament to reconsider, Lazavik reminded.  The bill will need to go through all the necessary procedures and expertises before the signature collection can start. Then the bill will be considered by the Parliament but it still does not mean that MPs will approve it.

A nation-wide referendum could also be conducted but budget issues cannot be discussed this way, the CEC spokesman noted.

Photo:, Euroradio