List of cities with tax benefits is prepared

The Belarusian government has prepared a list of regional villages and towns with the population under 50 thousand people where organizations and private entrepreneurs will be able to benefit from lower taxes and a simplified system of taxation. “BelaPAN” informs that organizations and private entrepreneurs must be situated in those places. 

The document has been adopted according to the presidential decree of Martch 9, 2007 “On simplified system of taxation”. The regulation will come into power on July 1, 2007.

138 towns and villages are on the list. Benefits for entrepreneurs will be available in 17 towns of Brest Regions, 28 towns of Vitsebsk Region, 27 places of Homel Region, 22 places of Hrodna Region, 21 towns of Minsk Region and 23 places of Mahileu Region.