Lukashenka: I am not prepping my children for power transfer

Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his sons: Viktar, Mikalai and Dzmitry / Reuters
Alyaksandr Lukashenka is not preparing to transfer power. “Look, my children are not getting ready for any transfer of power,” Lukashenka said at a meeting in Minsk on September 19.
The president also went on to explain what officials would stay in office after the election: “Those who are working hard and fulfilling the plans, meeting the targets and who are useful will keep working. I have no inner or outer circles […] Only the people who want to work will keep working with me. Those who can listen and carry out my assignments”.
"If Rumas, Kachanava, Prime Ministers or Ministers cannot hear me, they should better resign right now,” Lukashenka said.
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