Lukashenka signs crucial decree to boost entrepreneurship in Belarus

Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA

On 23 November, President Alexander Lukashenka signed a decree "On developing entrepreneurship". His press office notes this is a crucial document in the package of legal measures designed to boost business climate in this country. The decree mostly covers the operation of small- and medium-size businesses.

The edict will drastically change the way government agencies interact with entrepreneurs. Under the decree, the interference of government officials in the work of businesspeople as well as controls over their operation will be brought to a minimum. It will give more leeway to private companies in how they manage their affairs. To start up a business, people will no longer be required to seek a permit from a government body. They will have to only notify the authorities about a new business and will be able to start operation on the next day. This provision applies to the following areas of commercial activity: consumer services, tourism, social services, trade and public catering, transportation of passengers, merchandise production, production of construction materials, etc.

The decree also scraps various bureaucratic procedures and documents: certificates, approvals and permits. It significantly simplifies fire safety and sanitary control procedures - usually a ground for office abuse, persecution and corruption on the part of government officials

Retail and public catering companies will no longer have to obtain an approval from government agencies for the working hours of shops, restaurants, and cafes, with the only exception being the outets open at night (11pm-7am).

The document also envisages administrative responsibility for directors for failing to ensure normal operation of an enterprise.