Makei: Minsk hoping for EU sanctions' withdrawal

Макей заявіў у Берліне, што ў Мінску спадзяюцца на зняццё санкцый ЕС

Foreign Minister of Belarus Uladzimir Makei has met in Berlin with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. It was a working visit at the invitation of the German side.

According to the press service of the Belarus Foreign Ministry, at the press conference after the meeting MAkei spoke about the involvement of the EU and Belarus. "We are very interested in normalizing relations with the European Union. We want normal economic relations with the European Union and individual European countries. This will help us to be stronger in political terms," said Uladzimir Makei.

According to him, these topics were discussed during the meeting with the German Minister. Particular attention was paid to the prospects of the dialogue between Belarus and the European Union.

At the press conference Makei expressed hope that "in the future, these sanctions will be lifted, and this will help us to continue the development of the country in all areas - political, economic, human rights and others."

In October, the EU suspended the sanctions against Belarus.


Макей заявіў у Берліне, што ў Мінску спадзяюцца на зняццё санкцый ЕС