Mikhail Grabovski may skip World Cup

СМІ: Міхаіл Грабоўскі можа не згуляць на чэмпіянаце свету

Mikhail Grabovski may skip the World Cup in Russia (it will begin on May 6). The Belarusian hockey player has an injury. How much time he will need to recover is still unknown, said his father Yuri Grabovski in an interview with the newspaper "SB. Belarus Today".

Mikhail was injured in a February match of "New York Islanders" vs "New Jersey". In March, he only played in a match with "Pittsburgh", when it turned out that the player had not fully recovered. According to Yuri Grabovski, most likely Mikhail will not fly to St. Petersburg. Firstly, it is unknown how long the treatment will last. Secondly, the club may not allow for it. As a result, he will not play in the Stanley Cup either.

By the way, Grabovski still has not been diagnosed. His neck hurts, but the cause is unknown. According to an opinion, the problems arose because of a concussion.

Mikhail Grabovski is 32 years old. He is an attacking player on the Belarus hockey team, the only representative of Belarus in the NHL.