Metropolitan Pavel wears klobuk with Cross of Saint Euphrosyne in Belarus

Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk Pavel has started wearing a klobuk with the Cross of Saint Euphrosyne. The six-pointed cross was noticed on the Patriarchal Exarch’s klobuk during this year’s celebration of Orthodox Christmas. The head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church used to wear a klobuk with the traditional cross.
Pavel’s predecessor Metropolitan Philaret used to wear a klobuk with the Cross of Saint Euphrosyne from time to time, representative of the information department of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, archpriest Sergiy Lepin told Euroradio. Thus, the current Metropolitan has taken over the tradition.
“The Belarusian Exarch does not have to wear such a cross. It is just one of the possible variants. It is nice to see that Metropolitan Pavel, just like Metropolitan Philaret, has chosen this cross for his klobuk. If the Ukrainian or Russian Metropolitan put on such a klobuk, it would look strange. However, this is absolutely adequate and beautiful in our country and in our church,” father Sergiy said.
Father Sergiy does not remember when Metropolitan Pavel started wearing the klobuk with the six-pointed cross. Euroradio has found the photo of the Metropolitan in such a klobuk made in April 2017.
Metropolitan Pavel headed the Belarusian Orthodox Church at the end of 2013. He is a Russian citizen. He used to be Archbishop of Ryazan and Kasimov.