Neuro Dubel turns club into baths (photo, audio from concert)

Even the keyboard returned to the band for authenticity.

The best comeback of 2012: Maks Ivashyn in Neuro Dubel! It was a pity that the keyboardist who made the band's songs so charming in the 1990 returned for only one concert. However, that was something at least!


Alyaksandr Kulinkovich and Yury Navumau (Paskuda)


Andrei Stsepanyuk

Every concert given by Neuro Dubel is a great event. Regular cancellations of their concerts create an intrigue in connection with their performances. Will it happen or not? You feel so warm inside when you hear the well-known "I'm a hunter and you are a saiga" when entering the club. And then you see a sea of people on the dance floor and feel like plunging into the slam!




The more they are banning Neuro Dubel, the more they are loved and waited for. Fans do not understand how Kulinkovich and Paskuda can be forbidden to perform. They are the most harmless people in the world! The intellectual punk-rock and elements of humour and satire the band has been promoting for 23 years do not cause any threat of a revolution or a social earthquake. Why are ND's concerts getting canceled? There is no logical response.




Uladzimir Sahonchyk

Yauhen Brouka


Vital Abramovich


